Saturday, February 11, 2012

I want to know what sort of plants or flowers I can put in my garden to attract butterflies.?

need to know also what plants are best for full sunlight for attracting butterflies.

I want to know what sort of plants or flowers I can put in my garden to attract butterflies.?
Mexican Sunflowers actually attract butterflies even moreso than Butterfly Bushes! I would also recommend Butterfly Bushes, though. Other flowers great for attracting butterflies are Zinnia, Blue Lobelia, Milkweed (this attracts Monarchs, among others!), Aster, Lantana, Verbena, and Joe Pye Weed.
Reply:Butterflies are attracted by blue flowers, birds by red flowers.
Reply:Generally, butterflies are attracted to any flowers in the field because of its nectar. since your question looks what sort of flower. I suggest that you plant Mandarin Santan, American Roses, Daffodils and Sunflower. These flowers love sunlight.
Reply:The best would be the butterfly bush (buddliea Davidii) It comes in a variety of colors - grows to 4-6 ft., comes back bigger and better each year if you cut it back in the late fall.
Reply:zinnias, altheas, lantana, verbena
Reply:buy a butterfly bush.. they are real pretty and attract many butterflies.. can be bought at home depot.. flowers come in white, pink or purple..
Reply:a shrimp plant is always nice and they are pretty too . a bottle brush attracts butterflies and they are pretty as well . good luck .
Reply:probably ones with bright colours and ones that smell nice too. try to vairy the types and colours . your garden will look pretty ,be full of butterflys , and smell nice : )

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