Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Should I take my Hummer out and go do donuts in the park flower garden to celebrate earth day!?

Hell yeah and while you are at it you should be conscious enough to throw your trash on the ground in the park. Are you free for some seal clubbing later on in the day? After that we can go shoot some rhinos for some ivory. It is going to be a great day!
Should I take my Hummer out and go do donuts in the park flower garden to celebrate earth day!?
Don't forget to throw away your Dunkin Donuts bag, or would leaving it on the ground be something a conservative doesn't need to bother with?

Where did cons get the ridiculous idea that doing anything for the environment is liberal and therefore bad?
Reply:If you can weather the contempt of children who know you are one of the one's fiddling while our planet burns --- nay, the knowledge that you are one of the ones dousing the planet with kerosene.

Truly, it is beyond my imagination how any human being with a brain or conscience or a sense of style could own a Hummer.
Reply:I wish that my new truck had been delivered because I'd join you. I've got one of those F-650 Tonkas on the way. the one with the 4 wheel-drive, turbo diesel and saddle tanks.
Reply:Hell yes. I wanna come. I got a F250 super duty. Mud it up man.
Reply:They say that anyone who owns a hummer, has small tool is that true? :P:
Reply:Seeing that the Hummer compares better than the Prius in total enviromental friendliness ,yes.
Reply:by all means yes, and while youre at it have a tailgate party to boot...we simply cannot get enough carbon into the atmosphere now can we?...after all, dont we need it so that the trees and plants can grow big and strong and produce lots of delicious oxygen for us humans to breath?... have fun enlarging your carbon footprint...
Reply:What was that song by Dennis Leary in the early 1990's about driving down the road in a convertible, eating mcdonalds in styrephone plastic containers......ha ha.

How did that song an asshole, an asshole, the world's biggest asshole....ha ha

But seriously, before you do - get a cam recorder and record it all and send the copy into Greenpeace and the environmental committee! You will have your own fan club in no time at all.
Reply:I'm going to celebrate Earth day just the same way I do every year. I'm going to ignore the stupid liberal agenda driven crap!
Reply:Nooo, drive in to your house.

And smoke a big cigar while you're doing it!
Reply:I understand Gore will be arriving in a lear jet. I guess he bought another booklet of carbon off-sets.
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