Monday, January 30, 2012

Decorative Rock Garden/Flower Bed?

I'm not a flower or plant lover and I own a townhome that has two nice sized flower beds. I want to put down decorative rocks and suggestions on how to do this?
Decorative Rock Garden/Flower Bed?

Rock beds are very popular today and there are many different varieties of stones to choose from. Decorative stones can be in tiny pebbles or anywhere from one to three to four inches. You can buy multi - colored or one tone. If you are in an area that has full sun, I recommend to my clients that they don't use stark white. The sun reflects off the white.

Make sure you have taken out any weeds or debris from you beds. If you have some grass or weeds, go ahead and kill them off with a weed killer. If you not putting in any plant material then you don't have to wait a week for the chemical to take effect.

An option for you is to put down some landscape fabric first before putting your decorative rocks in. You can buy the fabric at any big chain store, most nurseries or garden centers carry it also. You will need landscaping stakes to secure the fabric.

Put two to three inches of stone all around your bed. Another option is to border the bed with a larger stone. This gives each bed a finished look. You can purchase rocks and stones at a specialty store and some nurseries carry this material.

I hope this has helped some and if you need any further help, please feel free to contact me at my website. I will direct you to the outdoor feature section plus to my site map page. Feel free to contact me. Have a great day!




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