Monday, January 30, 2012

The perimeter of a rectangular flower garden is 94m and its area is 480m^2. find the length of the garden?

P = 2(l + w)

A = lw

94 = 2(l + w)

l + w = 47

w = -l + 47

lw = 480

l(-l + 47) = 480

-l^2 + 47l = 480

-l^2 + 47l - 480 = 0

l^2 - 47l + 480 = 0

(l - 15)(l - 32) = 0

l = 15 or 32

w = -32 + 47

w = 15

ANS : 32 meters
The perimeter of a rectangular flower garden is 94m and its area is 480m^2. find the length of the garden?
The dimensions are 15 and 32. I forgot which one length was
Reply:determine the factors of 480. In this case the factors must equal 480 when multiplied together and 94 when all 4 sides are added together

15 * 32 = 480

15+32+15+32 = 94

length = 32 width = 15.
Reply:2w+2l = 94 and l * w = 480


w=47-l so l(47-l)=480

47l - l^2 = 480

l^2 - 47l + 480 = 0

(l-32) (l-15) = 0

l=32 or l=15

since we're looking for length our answer will be the longer of the two so L=32 and W=15

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