Monday, January 30, 2012

I want a garden.. So whats your fav. kind of flower?

I guess ill look each answers flower up and the one with the prettiest flower ill give 10 points..
I want a garden.. So whats your fav. kind of flower?
i like to plant tulips in the fall, that way I'll have flowers in the spring
Reply:I like coleus flowers they are unique to me even though they are kinds of leaves they are flowers because they are colorful leaves with bright colors. I also like other kins of flowers like roses because they have very soft red pedals and a lovely smell. Vegetables and fruits in a garden are good to. I know you did not ask for that but, just a option. Hope this will help you with your garden.
Reply:If you live in the right area, try a Camellia. You will be hard pressed to find a prettier flower than Sawada's Dream, Pink Perfection, or Nuccio's Gem blooming in February.
Reply:it depends were you live. here in las vegas, nevada its to hot to start a garden, i like roses the most, then come all kinds flowers,that well grow here. look on the enternet for what well grow in your area.
Reply:Nasturtiums are my favourite. They grow very easy from seed and fill in areas very well. They are edible too (kind of peppery) but I love the red and orange flowers and the foliage - I use these to border my vegetable garden. Good luck with your garden. It's what gets me through the cold months of January to March - just planning it and thinking about it.
Reply:You should plant both perennials, biennials and annuals. \you can plant bulbs in October-November and you will enjoy next spring daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, muscari, fritillaria, snow-drops and many more. I also recommend lilies; there are many types %26amp; colors and most of them flower all summer. A few roses are compulsory, of course :-) They look good if you plant near them some lavender, or daisies. Also a clematis will look great in your garden (speaking of vines, I also recommend lonicera caprifolia; it will look fine on a fence and the smell is fantastic in the evening. Annuals: petunias, zinnias, tagetes, impatiens, ageratum, marygold, clarkia, begonia, celosia and many many more :-)

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