Wednesday, February 1, 2012

If I were to use coffee grounds in my flower gardens to make the soil more acidic...?

will I have a problem with worms or slugs? If so, what's the best way to deal with them?
If I were to use coffee grounds in my flower gardens to make the soil more acidic...?
Coffee grounds %26amp; strong coffee can eliminate destructive slugs %26amp; snails in your garden.

A study in the journal Nature found that slugs and snails are killed when sprayed with a caffeine solution. (1) Another study found that "After 96 hours, all of the snails treated with a 0.5% or 2% caffeine solution were dead." (2)

Lightly sprinkle coffee grounds %26amp; your leftover coffee around the base of plants, on mulch, %26amp; on edges of pathways to get rid of slugs %26amp; snails. Gently mix grounds into the soil if they start to accumulate to avoid crusting.

Earth worms, which are beneficial, will enjoy the improved texture of the soil that has coffee grounds added to it.
Reply:Thanks for voting. It's nice to know you appreciate the research. Report It
Reply:MI don't know a lot About gardening,but my mother- in- Law has the most beautiful plants you'll ever see.She uses both coffee grounds and egg shells in her soil.I'm not sure about slugs,but worms actually help fertilize soil.?
Reply:when they start to break down in months but they hate coffee
Reply:worms love it, slugs don't

Just make sure to mix it into the soil well. if you dump coffee grounds on top, it will create a moisture barrier and dry out your plants.
Reply:I use coffee grounds and slugs do not create a problem where I dropped them however the grounds will crust together so try to spread them out.I know my azaleas love them.

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