Monday, February 13, 2012

Which is or chicken manure for vegetable/flower gardens?

Horse is milder and can be applied straight away... same with cow. But chicken is so highly acidic it burns the plants unless you let is rot down... mix this with compost and water it now and then... allow several months for it to rot down if you are going to use chicken manure from hens. There is a pellet type of chicken manure you can buy that has already been given time to settle so it does not hurt the plants. But if you are talking about straight from the hen run, you do need to let it break down.



Which is or chicken manure for vegetable/flower gardens?
Composted horse manure. If its composted it won't have the bad smell and works wonders anywhere in the garden.
Reply:Chicken, more ammonia
Reply:The chicken manure will burn if not mixed into the soil very well. I have used horse manure for tomato plants and have had great success. Plants were 7 ft high and the tomato's were huge.
Reply:You should never dump fresh manure on your garden.

It needs to be composted first.
Reply:chicken manure. get a small gunny sack half full of manure and place it in a 20 or 25 gal metal container with a fairly good lid to it. fill half full of water place the sack init and close the lid .let set for 24 hrs. remove the lid ,pull out the sack and throw it away . use a plastic spray bottle filled with the liquid to poor around your plants at least 6 t0 8 inches from the plants and water real good because thats real rich in nitrogen and phosphates..
Reply:Honestly, I would not use either one for the home garden. They can be smelly, and add too much nitrogen which causes lots of lush green growth but may also limit flower and fruit production. If they have been composted or are purchased in bags it may be a different story.
Reply:I am sure they both stink.but because of the diet of a horse..i think it would be better for the garden
Reply:i think chickens very hot,,,,,,horse regular
Reply:Chicken manure is 'hotter' than horse. Which means that fresh manure could burn your plants. If you use chicken work it into the soil but give it a month or two before you plant. Horse manure can be used on existing plants. But don't let it touch the stem and give plants lots of water/

I prefer rabbit mixed with chicken tho..

Note: Nutrient values of manures vary greatly, depending on the diet and

age of the animals, and the nature and quantity of bedding in the mix.
Reply:I would say horse.
Reply:hortse. too much amonia in chicken manure
Reply:Horse manure is excellent and does not smell at all. It does need to be mature or it will scorch the roots of your plants. You can put it on your compost heap if it's fresh and it will hasten the whole decomposing process.

Chicken manure (as opposed to manufactured pellets) is very strong and should only be used either by mixing it with your compost heap or in very small amounts with soil....again it shouldn't be used fresh.

Good gardening.!

You can make manure tea by hanging of bag of either manure in a water bucket for a week or two and use the resultant browny liquid as a liquid fertiliser. Then put the manure contents onto your compost heap.
Reply:I would go with the chicken manure.

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