Saturday, February 11, 2012

What flowering plants do well in a shade garden?

It's a raised bed so soil condition is of no concern but it's under a tree so it will get almost no sun, only early morning and late evening. I live in Southwest Idaho so we have cold dry winters and hot summers.

What flowering plants do well in a shade garden?
Columbines %26amp; periwinkle are great for little to no sunlight.

For morning sun and afternoon shade, try bellflowers, shasta daisies, hyssop, pincushion flowers, coral bells, pansies, goldenrod, dianthus, coneflowers, soapwort, candytuft, asters, foxglove, poppy mallow, butterfly bushes, gladiolas, sugarbowl clematis, and name a few!

Good luck!
Reply:Marijuana. Seriously.

Reply:Wildflowers. Pansies. Go to a garden center.
Reply:Touch base with your Dept of Agriculture Extension service. They would have the latest data on what does best in your area. Impatients do well almost every where the night time temp stays above 50 degrees. Gingers work well also, but their flowering is rather limited to a few weeks of bloom.
Reply:I would suggest Impatians. They do beautifully in our shaded yard. Takes a while for them to fill out but right now they are starting to be really pretty. They are beautiful in the fall when it cools down and you don't have much blooming. You will have to keep them watered.
Reply:Check with you county extension agent, located in the phone book under county government. They have lots of publications and good information, and best of all they are free.
Reply:The ones that have worked best for me are hosta's, astibles, and bleeding hearts. Also just go to your local nursery and ask them, they will have the best answers since they know your zone and soil types.
Reply:bleeding hearts

red ferns - don't flower but make a bold statement

go for flowering shrubs- these may be the best bet for your conditions

Get some plant catalogs and use them to determine which ones to plant. Go to a local nursery and buy because the ones from catalogs will grow but it takes them up to 3 years longer to give the expected results due to being transported with dry roots.
Reply:Impatiens are great, but are annuals. Here are some perennials you could consider: Hostas (beautiful foliage, lots of varieties, flowers not so great), Lamium (again, foliage is foremost, purple or white flowers), Gout Weed will work but is invasive and ferns may work too. Unfortunately, plants that do well in shade rarely have showy flowers but make up for it in the wonderful variety of their foliage.

Good luck!

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