Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Best flowers for the edge of my garden?

Hi, I live in Ohio.. I think zone 5. I'd rather not have to dig anything up in the fall. i recently dug out a small round garden, and I have a brick retention wall up. Inside are hostas, catmint, hardy glads, red king crocosmia, dill, basil and parsley. I'd like to put something around the edges, to sort of fill it in a bit.. preferably low maintanance, that isn't expensive to plant a reasonable amount of. Any suggestions? Anything else that would look nice with the other plants is good too, doesn't just have to be the edge.

Best flowers for the edge of my garden?
I suggest Ageratum for the edge of your garden. I buy them in flats each spring and they last until October they are green leaves and blue or pink flowers, they become bushy in form, and look amazing.

they cost about 12.99 to 14.99 a flat, I get them at Home Depot. As for your planter why not plant a Tomato plant, You can get cherry Tomato's, of Beef steak Tomato's. If you would rather have flowers, then Put in a bleeding heart, and it will come back every year for you. Have fun
Reply:i saw lots of good answers. have you thought about talking to someone at your local garden center.
Reply:We use marigolds, it helps with the critters. They look good and are low maintenace.
Reply:Try this site they were very helpful for me,

Reply:Yellow marigolds are nice because they are hardy, cheap, pretty and keep the deer away from the rest of your flowers.


You can also save the seeds in the fall, they come back really easy from seed and you save $$$$
Reply:i say something red:)
Reply:try marigolds they keep out pests also

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