Friday, February 3, 2012

I am planning to create a raised flower bed in my garden, any tips??


First you should decide what materials you want to use,

this is dependent on the height you want the border to be,

for a low raised border it is possible to use a paving slab on its side as long as its well cemented in and there is plenty of slab in the ground,

the following link is a border i created using standard pavers.

a nice easy way to create higher raised border is using sleepers, these are very stable but very heavy, in the following picture the walls were retaining all the soil behind

another alternative is raised poles

I am planning to create a raised flower bed in my garden, any tips??
There great once they are established ,but don't do what i did i never but any stepping stones in so now when i go to weed it I'm treading on my flowers, that's the next bank hol project, good luck its hard work but it will be brill in twelve months, if you cant get all the way around it i mean like to the back it would be a good idea to put some thing like ground covering alpines that flowers they help keep the weeds down i did that and put wood land blue bells these are bulbs you should be able to buy them in a few months happy digging
Reply:Make sure you have drainage then build up the front of the area to be the raised bed with rocks, stones or concrete (even large wooden railway sleepers). Fill in the back with good soil and plant your flowers.
Reply:Raised beds are great for the elderly, disabled and young children ... not only are they good for flowers ... they area also great for vegetables
Reply:good for you! I did the same when I took out an old sidewalk, I used old bricks standing on end for the margin. I then mixed up soil, manure and peat moss I got from the garden center. The mix was about equal parts of each. In the fall I covered the area with leaves. In the spring I added more manure and peat. By year 2 and 3 the garden was awesome!
Reply:Spraying it by perfume to make it smell fresh...
Reply:There's a link for you - I'm not much of a gardener but that seemed pretty self explanatory to me
Reply:don't forget to plant your tall plants at the back and medium plants in the middle and of coarse small ones at the front. also a good tip for you always plant in odd numbers so you dont create a square effect
Reply:I used treated 2x12 to build a frame of whatever dimensions you need. For my raised beds, which go along a fence line, I used 14' boards and cut them to 12'. I used the cut offs to make the ends and screwed the rectangle together with 3" deck screws. I would reccomend a 1x2 stake at each corner to keep the frame from moving. My beds are narrow because I have acces to them from only one side. Longer ends can be used if you have access all the way around the box. Turn the sod over inside the box before filling soil to within 2" of the top. I used sifted compost made in my back yard. After plants are established, I use shredded leaves around them to serve as a weed block and to add nutrients as they decay. You are limited only by your imagination. Good luck and have fun.
Reply:only make a raised bed as wide as you can reach- that way you will never need to spoil the good drainage by treading the soil- that's my tip

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