Sunday, February 5, 2012

I made photo albums on my yahoo, with my beloved flower and garden pics, now I am getting requests for them?

I stored and made albums from my photo pics, mostly flowers, now I am getting a request to the link, and I can't find it anywhere. Where should I look? Is it still on the site somewhere.

I'm really heartbroken and so will my friends requesting the link. I remember inviting them if that helps?

Someone Please help me!

Thanks a Million,

I made photo albums on my yahoo, with my beloved flower and garden pics, now I am getting requests for them?
Yahoo photos closed last September after warning were posted and emails sent months prior to then advising users to move there photos.
Reply:old yahoo photo closed last year,

they now use Flickr

if you left images on old site, they are virtually gone, you would have to attain original negatives or photos, and upload to new site, from computer, scanner, email, cd/dvd, possibly if you know of friends that downloaded copies, you could try backtracking older sets,

Reply:Unless you migrated your photos before Yahoo Photos closed, you will not be able to access these photos anymore.

White Teeth

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