Sunday, February 5, 2012

Is it a safe rule of thumb to dead head all your garden flowers?

This is about my 5th year working hard in the yard. I have really been learning a lot but have so much more to learn!!!

Is it a safe rule of thumb to dead head all your garden flowers?
Annuals, yes BUT, BIG BUT, it depends on the time of day. For example, gazania flowers close up on cloudy days or at night so they need to be deadheaded on a bright day. Marigolds, dead head any time, petunias, same thing, except wave petunias, do not dead head for best results. Snapdragons should be pinched when set out before they flower for best results, celosia, do not dead head and if flower looks dead the plant is infected. Pansies and violas to not like the heat, however about this time of year cut them back to about 2 inches and keep watered and in some cases fall flowers will result. Pinch coleus at planting time for best results, zinnias have to be deadheaded constantly. Impatiens and begonias do not. Most mums need two or three pinchings starting now and again in a few weeks for best results except some belgian varities. Most perrinials should have their flower stalks cut back after flowering so the engergy goes to the plant instead of creating seed. But snot so for vines such as clematis. Anything specific you need to as just let me know.
Reply:deadheading is a good practice to encourage re-blooming. it diverts the plant's energy to growth and reflowering instead of seed production. there's a certain point in time when the plant will stop blooming and there's nothing you can do to make it bloom more.

It won't hurt to deadhead, so keep on.

the only thing is, you may not get "free" plants next year as a result of re-seeding on the part of the plants.
Reply:Amen to Juan's "Big But"
Reply:i aint real sure, but i do just to be on the safe side. it aint hurt any of em yet. yeah,i learn more every year, but it seems endless!


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