Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is well water good for watering garden plants,flowers..etc?

can we use the water taken from the well to water the home garden..

Is well water good for watering garden plants,flowers..etc?
One answer is that well water is usually always better than municipal water because city water has so much chlorine injected in it. One question is what is in your well water? All well water is different. There's probably a 95% chance your well water will be perfectly fine for your garden, but if your well water is high in Nitrates or Iron Bacteria then it is horrible for your plants. You can have your water tested for free here:

Reply:I have city water that I use in my house. But I also have a well that I use to water my lawn, garden, and use it to wash cars. So sure you should be able to with no problem!
Reply:years ago our grandparents and greatgrandparents had lots of flowers and well water. These days if I were you I'd send my well water off to be tested to see what's in it. Then take the results to your county's horticulture department and ask what you should add to the water to make your plants grow at their best.
Reply:It is better than city water, Providing there is no salt or arsenic. I would take a sample and have it analyzed to be safe. You have another alternative is to collect rain water, Just put a barrel under the down spout or eve trove and you cant get any better.
Reply:Works great for my parents.
Reply:My word, yes!!! As a matter of fact, it's probably better...less chemicals. I use it all the time cause it's all I have. Hasn't killed me so figure safe for plants. Not to sound sarcastic but what do you think they used 100 years ago? Well water comes from underground springs.
Reply:well water might be better than city water cuz you dont put any chemicals or things like that in you well so yeah i would think that well water would be the best for your plants
Reply:Its probably the best water to get unless you have a creekyou can pump water from. In my little town, the whole town gets water from a well. But, the EPA has done tests over the last 10 years and the water is JUST barely fit for human consumption, but everybody's garden grows great. City water isn't really water is it? After all the processing? Its the same difference between a home grown tomato and one from a grocery store. They just ain't the same, close but not the same.
Reply:Absolutely! I grew up with a well on our property and that's all we used. We had a wonderful garden!

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