Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What are the easiet flowers to care for an outside garden?

Never had a garden.

What are the easiet flowers to care for an outside garden?
There are a number of perennials that are easy to grow. Perennials are plants that come up every year so are very hardy plants. Some are very invasive by sending out underground roots and taking over your garden so be cautious of those ones (read the plant tag or ask at the garden centre or get a perennial book to look them up yourself). Peonies are wonderful plants that are not invasive and are very loyal to come up for many years. Hosta is another plant that is a great garden plant. It needs dividing every few years as it gets bigger every year. Any plant in the "sedum" or "succulent" groups are wonderful in the garden. They tolerate drought well and are good in sun or part shade and come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours. I also love Obedience Plant as it blooms later in the season and is quite pretty. I could go on and on but these are some that I suggest for now. Have fun in your garden.
Reply:I agree with pistolpower. We plant impatients every year and they grow and grow and grow! As long as they have water and sun they'll grow. Full sun, part sun... doesn't matter! They fill in and overflow creating a beautiful blanket. They come in lots of colours too! Report It
Reply:Iris and Lilies. when you buy them get the variety of lily that says hearty. They are beautiful and come up every year and are no fus except keeping the snails off them and i got some great advice on here how to do that. Ive had them for many years. Also shasta daisys and blackeyed susans.
Reply:Day lilies are the easiest to grow. They tolerate heat and drought and most are disease resistant.
Reply:Impatiens, wax begonias, celosia, snapdragons, marigolds. Just plant them and they are there until frost.
Reply:perennials: daylilies, oriental lilies, irises, daffodils, hyacinths, hostas (shade)

Annuals: Profusion zinnias, lantana, geranium, impatiens (shade only), petunias
Reply:A wild flower seed mix is great to get. It reseeds itself and has a variety of flowers in bloom from spring through the first frost in the fall.

Also, annuals such as pansies and patunias are great. Marigolds are a natural insect repellant so they're wonderful to plant with your tomatos if you choose to plant those. Flowers and veggies always look cute combined together so it isn't a problem to plant them in the same beds.

Oh, And Don't feel discouraged if any of your plant fail to thrive. It's all a part of the gardening experiance.

Happy Gardening

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