Friday, February 3, 2012

What do I so to stopsomeone(?)from running over my garden w a car destroying plantes, flowers?

Somebody is running over my garden, destroying plantes, flowers,I think is my neighbor(bad boy type). This is not the 1st time.

Of course he denied when I asked if he saw something. He is a rude, umpolite person, mean. He denies but only me and him lives there....What can I do to make him stop? I called the cops,etc...

I thought about spike stip (I was so mad). I want him to respect me, leave me alone.

What do I so to stopsomeone(?)from running over my garden w a car destroying plantes, flowers?
Well, I was going to tell you to notify the police, but since you already said you did... There are several things you can do.

First, you could keep calling the police and bugging them until something is done. Or, you could even press charges against him for vandalism, however, since you really haven't seen him actually doing this, it would be a thick case to prove.

Second, I have never encouraged revenge by human beings. This is something I believe comes through karma or the act of God. However, if nothing is being done by your local law enforcement department, then, perhaps you may have to do something yourself.

A. You could always put carpenter's tacks under his rear tires. But, you have to make sure they are the tacks, because they are thicker and even if he knocks some over with the backing up motion, (that's if he pulls into the driveway and doesn't back in), then even the ones that weren't knocked over should go right through the tire rims. If he comes to you accusing you of doing this, you can just say to him that you didn't see anything and besides, where is your proof. However, you must make sure this is done at night, in the hours on your street when it's least busiest.

B. You could always dump sand or sugar into his gas tank.

C. You could put glue over the keyholes to both sides of his car door locks.

D. There's also cutting his battery cords on the inside of his engine.

E. Smearing dog dung all over his windshield.

F. Placing a banana into his tailpipe.

Depending on what you call horendous actions against you, because we all associate various reactions with our own personality type. From what you have said here, this man is in simple, evil and needs to be corrected. Everything I'm suggesting here is something I wouldn't do, so heed the warnings to these such recommendations as you are fully responsible for everything that you commit to.

There's also the last straw. This is something I was told by an old friend who is an auto mechanic. He heard this by another associate he used to work with who did this to somebody in a situation much like yours.

By taking a fire cracker and a fuse, take the fuse and tape it to the tailpipe so that it is secure, run the fuse under the rear hub of the tire and along the course of the underside of the car or truck. Make certain you have enough fuse to do this. Tape the fuse in varying spots so that it's secured properly. Make sure the tape isn't too tight however, or else when the fuse is activated, it will be blocked by the tape. Duct tape is recommedned or the industrial version of duct tape, which is shiny silver. At the end of the fuse is obviously the firework. Place the firecracker into the gas tank.

Through proper ignition of the fuse from the heat of the tailpipe, the fuse will be activated and eventually detonate in the gas tank. The person who did this said when they saw this happen, the truck that it was done to did not completely explode, but, rather had the gas cap blow off. Like I said, something this serious I don't encourage and would not even recommend trying it because the effects could vary considerably.

If you want to get back at this person, you must use your own judgement very carefully.

I wish you the best of luck in resolving this serious matter.
Reply:Large rocks...I have seen other people with the same problem and they have gone and gathered "big rocks" and put them along the border of the garden and the road...

He won't want to rip a hole in his "oil pan" which will happen if he hits the rocks..
Reply:Place rocks just %26gt;that%26lt; much taller than Bad Boy's bumper on all sides of your garden that has had tire tracks in it. Call around to your local garden centers, and ask for pricing on what are called "one-man rocks" or "two-man rocks" ("one-man" and "two-man" indicates how many average men it takes to lift the rock). If Bad Boy's vehicle is a car, one-man rocks should do, but if Bad Boy has a truck, go for the two-man rocks. The rocks will make it harder to drive over your garden; two man rocks will make it harder for Bad Boy to move them himself. If some one *does*, it not only will make some serious noise, there's a good chance that your vandal will snagged on one or more of the rocks. If this should happen, well, then, you call the police, and let *them* handle the situation -- most especially if it *IS* Bad Boy. If Bad Boy asks what you're doing when you bring in the rocks, smile and say something about an article in a home and garden magazine that talked about landscaping with rocks, and leave it at that.

The above technique worked very well for a family that lived on the corner in my old neighborhood.
Reply:put a bunch of nails into a long board and turn it nail-tip up lay it flat in your flowerbed. My dad used to do this in our circle drive to keep the neighbors doonbuggy out. it worked.
Reply:call the police
Reply:You could put up a fence
Reply:put up a fence.

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