Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What flowers could I put in a belfast sink in my garden.?

I was given a belfast sink, my fatehr had it in his garden with plants growing. But we had to take the soil out, as it was so heavy.

What flowers would really set it off, and how would I go about planting them,.

What flowers could I put in a belfast sink in my garden.?
Sempervivums,(House leeks) are attractive,under plant with dwarf daffs;(Tete a tete is good),these are available now in pots,just knock them out of the pot and plant.

Polyanthus are colourful subjects for a sink garden as are pansies,winter flowering varieties can be planted now and follow with summer flowering types.

Hope this gives some ideas for instant colour,don't overfill the sink-all the above can be planted immediately.
Reply:Lavender is always nice
Reply:Heathers are good.
Reply:alpines look great, spred pea shingle over the top to stop the cats using it as a toilet
Reply:Alpine plants are nice, especially Violas
Reply:why not make it into a bog garden? there are lots of pretty bog plants out there
Reply:This is impossible to answer without you saying what kind of effect you want. Have a look at other people's gardens and check out the plants. Do you want a changing effect through the year using bulbs and/or seasonal plants. Do you want a mountainside kind of wild nature look with heathers and small shrub. Do you want a miniature landscape with dwarf conifers and low creeping perennials?

Whatever you choose you need to make sure that the the sink is sloped very slightly towards the drain hole and put some stones over the hole to stop the soil blocking it, but it must be able to drain out otherwise in wet weather the whole thing will become waterlogged and that's not good for plants that like to grow in sink. finally get off down to your local library, they'll have stacks of books on gardening in sinks and you can get some neat ideas.
Reply:since its a belfast sink,how about some shamrocks?
Reply:Fill it with rockery plants, when they all grow they will mingle together. It will look pretty.
Reply:I thought a Belfast sink was the Titanic? bad joke time. A deep oblong sink right? mmm a pretty mix of hardy flowers with a a few reeds/rushes to break it up a bit perhaps.
Reply:You could put bulbs in now.Watch the frost at the minute though.
Reply:We have bulbs in ours, daffs for spring and lillies for summer. They need no looking after virtually, just cut the leaves off once they have died and gone brown. A word of warning though, if you own cats or people's cats visit your garden lillies aren't suitable as they are toxic to cats.
Reply:Get asphodel,if you can't find them in common gardener shop than try a chinese one(gardener shop with a boss who is a chinese).

Get a whole bounch of them and use a iron wire to strand them together as your desired formation(just strand through them and it's ok for the plant).

When it bloom, it smells like heaven! OH! don't put them under strong sun light, it'll grow a tall stem and bend... it's flower really smells like heaven... the heaven upon heaven...

ADD: when you strand them, strand them a bit higher, cause you might hurt them the bud, which might cause the flower not to bloom...

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