Friday, February 3, 2012

What kinds of flowers make a garden?

I am trying to do up my front walkway, a small one, and make it a nice flowery garden. I have roses and hydrangeas now, but it doesn't look that great, any recommendations to make it pretty?

What kinds of flowers make a garden?
Roses and hydrangeas are pretty plants. But they are BIG. So you need something smaller to fill in the understory, so to speak.

Try daffodils: There are a number of wonderful varieties of them. Or you could try marigolds or zinnias, or cosmos.

Or you could even try pansies, as long as you don't have deer: Deer, unfortunately, eat pansies.

Good luck!
Reply:Live flowers make a beautiful garden
Reply:You can plant anything you want. Annuals will give you instant color. Try petunias, lobelia but it is late to put them in. If you want perennials. Try shasta daisies, mexican sunflowers. A good place to look is mail order magazines. Martha Stewart, and the best place your local garden center. If you get to know the perveyor of the establishment they are a great source of advice. They can really help you design something that is is good for your area and your space. And most importantly your personality. Do you like color, hot such as bright red, yellow or do you like the cooler colors such as pastels? They will help you with all of it. Have fun, explore and read alot!! There are no mistakes when it comes to gardening. If one doesn't work try another. Happy gardening.
Reply:Have a look at other other people's gardens and make a note of things you like. Take a trip to a good nursery and look what will grow in your situation.
Reply:It really depends where you live. If you're really hot right now, I'd go for more heat tolerant varieties like marigolds, geraniums, salvia or petunias. Go to your local garden center or retailer and ask them what would grow well in your area. Be sure to tell them if the plot is sun or shade. Also ask what should be done to prepare the soil so that you can get the most out of your flowers. Hope this helps and good luck with your garden!


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