Sunday, February 5, 2012

What should I feed a little fieldmouse living in my garden?

I've found a tiny fieldmouse living in-between the flower pots in my back garden. What should I leave outside for it to eat and drink?

Does it need some grass or hay to make a bed?

I don't want it to freeze especially now it has started snowing.

Where do you think it came from?


What should I feed a little fieldmouse living in my garden?
How utterly lovely! Don't bring it indoors, the key to being a responsible nature lover is knowing when not to touch. If you would like to feed it, nuts are a good source of fat and protien. Try a hard boiled egg, too - just cut it into quarters. Seeds, apples and root vegetables are all good choices as they won't spoil and are easy to store. If you cut them up into pieces the mouse can take them back to it's nest, rather than having to eat them in the open where it's vulnerable.

Have fun! :)
Reply:aww. erm i dunno its wild-it needs to find its own food like worms and suff probs.

erm just dnt giv him cheese-cheese kills mice

i wud get him sum hay to make a bed out of im sure he or she will like that

its come from fields sumwhere-do u gts fields nr ur home?????/ if so thats where it come from and well it maybe be lost
Reply:Any type of bird seeds will due but will be careful ,I know its a field mice but it wont s in also. where talking about baby's more then one . feed the little fellow.
Reply:Mice are wonderful! It's so cute to watch them eat, with little paws that look like hands. They're a little tiny miracle. I've had many for pets. One experience I had was when I had a little female white mouse, and she got out one day, and then when I caught her she started to my surprise to swell bigger and bigger. She had a whole slew of wild mice babies, as she had mated with a wild house mouse! The babies were adorable. Still it's better to keep your little friend outside, and see if you can make friends. Leave her something good to eat every day, and see if she gets friendlier. A tiny piece of bread, apple, bird seed, alsmost any good food you like yourself. Put it in the same spot every day, and she will get into a habit of coming to eat, and you may make friends. There are many mice in our gardens, we don't see them because they come out at night a lot. Don't worry about her keeping warm, she will find her own material to make a cosy bed in a little nook somewhere. Little animals are special, I'm getting ready to get a baby guinea pig. It's the little things in life that are truely injoyable. Good luck with your little friend! :) arum
Reply:The rind from unsalted bacon cut into short strips makes a tasty treat and will give the little fellow some useful body fat to keep warm.

A bit of straw might be useful - put some nearby and see what he thinks.
Reply:AAwww sweet, Once i saw a little mouse eating bird-seed and bread with peanut butter on it. Have not seen it again. I think they will eat anything i feed the birds all kinds of food. You are sooo lucky, they are so cute:))
Reply:He will find plenty to eat on his own...don't worry. Field mice are everywhere..we just usually dont see them unless they enter the house. I never see them outside but I know we have tons of them because I find them in the oddest places in my garage.
Reply:they are wild animals and are able to look after themselves
Reply:They are wild creatures, do not need help from us.... I am sure he/she will be fine!
Reply:Any seeds and grains, and some fat. Lard is fine. Fat balls with seeds that you get for the birds. Muesli, wild bird food. Some hay and shredded paper for bedding. It should have a burrow somewhere though, it won't survive out of doors.
Reply:it could be a baby rat.
Reply:bird seed is always ok for fieldmouse, however don't take it inside, it should be able to survive by itself. A bit of food wont go amiss though
Reply:don't feed it at all it Will get to used to it and when they breed and have babies you wil have an house full
Reply:it probably doesn't need any help but i'm sure that it wouldn't say no to nuts and seeds
Reply:rice crispies and lasagna , if he's still hungry then he 1 greedy mouse
Reply:Ahhhh bless!!!

have a look, u should get an idea.
Reply:Field mice are wild, it probably doesn't need any help from you
Reply:OMG i hate mice,but that aside try some poison.
Reply:if I was you id try and catch her because at this time of year they should be hibernating and if shes awake she will almost certainly die the best thing you can do is catch her and put her in a box that she cant chew through with some hay and put her in a warmish place and she should go back to sleep then in a couple of months let her go, if she doesnt go back to sleep put some water and feed her fruit, veg and seeds.

its like if you find a hedgehog when they should be hibernating you should put them in a box and let them go back to sleep, maybe the mild weather last week tricked her into waking far too early
Reply:Feed it nothing or you'll be overrun with them within a month!

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