Thursday, February 9, 2012

What should I put in the garden for the baby rabbits to eat so they dont eat my flowers?

The baby bunnies were just born and I hear that soon they will be out and about and the burrow is in my garden, so I obviously dont want them eating all of my flowers so I was wondering if there was something to put out in the garden that would be more enticing to them than my flowers, THANKS

What should I put in the garden for the baby rabbits to eat so they dont eat my flowers?
There are two things that will work

1.Put cayenne pepper and water in a spray bottle, spray it on your plants. This doesn't always work.

2. I know this sounds gross, but it always works. Put urine in a spray bottle and spray it on the plants. It works every time, and it won't harm the plants.
Reply:You don't want them to come to your flower garden for meals, so don't give them anything to eat. There's plenty of wild plants for them, even in the city. Instead, spray your flowers with an animal repellant that you can purchase in the garden dept. of your hardware store, or make one from tabasco, a little oil, and a cup or two of water. This will make the flowers taste nasty to the rabbits, and they will stop. Reapply after a heavy rain, or when new growth appears on the plant. Remember, you don't want them to think of your yard as the restaurant!
Reply:Mix a little dish soap with water in a spray bottle and spray the plants you don't want eaten, if you do that daily it will not only keep the bunnies off of your flowers but the bugs too.. Plant some kale or lettuce for the little bunnys. It grows fast and they love it.
Reply:What I did was put plastic pots, they love to play with them and it keeps them buzy.
Reply:A product called liquid fence should keep deer and rabbits at bay. You can buy it at most plant nurseries.
Reply:I would rather keep them out than feed them. I hear marigolds are kind of repulsive to them. The only way I've been able to keep them out is with a 2 to 3 foot high chicken wire fence.

Nanny Source

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