Friday, February 3, 2012

Whats plants can i buy for my back garden that will flower all through the summer?

my garden is mainly grassed it is fairly sunny most of the day untill about 3pm when it starts getting shady i have a bottle brush bush a yew bush and some lavender plants with some roses and nigella planted together and a passion flower that is growing through the bottle brush plant and some clematis it looks lovely in aprill and may and then it looks more and more untidy as summer goes on we would like plants that are fairly tough we have tried dahlias but these are quite high maintenance so any suggestions would be great

Whats plants can i buy for my back garden that will flower all through the summer?
Very few perennials last that long. What you need are annuals like petunias, begonias, marigolds, inpatients,etc. Did you ever consider some nice foliage plants like dusty miller, hosta, ferns, etc? Check out this web site.
Reply:good ol' marigolds and zinnias are hard to beat
Reply:try a mix of what everyone is saying here. I've planted cosmos. They come back fuller year after year and are low maintenance. Not to mention they come in a variety of colors and last throughout the summer. They'd be great in an area like your describing. You may also want to try some ground cover roses-try If you're not into annuals (as I am not-love the flowers but hate to keep replanting etc.) take a look online, I've ordered 100's of flowers from,, You can search by zone/climate, or by color of flower or even by sunny or shady area's. You don't have to buy through them, but you can use this as a guide to make your garden into what you want. :o) Hope I was able to help a little. happy gardening!
Reply:If you want color from spring to winter freeze , try the beautiful colors of LANTANA. It loves neglected watering and hot temps.

It will put on quite a show and you wont have to bother with ut.

Other favorites are small CANNA cultivars but they will spead over time. There are new forms of marigolds

(double blooms and several colors now)

to try and around here people use periwinkle for care free color all season too.

Impatients are my favorite and if kept from a burning sun , you will have a beautiful color scheme that you will be so glad to have. ( if planted in spring and watered frequently , you can allow them to grow in full sun. Simply the best for color

My favorites for long color :


IMPATIENTS - you will need to water them now and then.
Reply:Knockout roses will bloom from spring until frost.

They come in different colors. Are fairly disease and pest resistant. The Japanese beetles don't come near mine, which is a blessing!

I love Touch Me Nots, too.

They are just about carefree. Throw down some seed in late spring. You don't have to plant them deep. Just rake some soil over them. They will bloom all summer long and re-seed freely. All different colors, too. I spent 10 cents on a pack of seeds a few years ago and now I have a plastic yogurt cup full of seeds that I've harvested each summer. If they don't re-seed as heavy as I'd like I just throw down some more seed and they almost take care of themselves. Their only drawback is that they do look bedraggled at the end of summer. They can easily be pulled up and thrown on the compost pile.
Reply:I know that this will sound a bit silly, but wallflowers are great for planting and last all summer. When you buy them, they just look like a bunch of weeds - my Mum bought me some, and I didn't know quite what to make of them! But I planted them, and you get a lovely selection of colours all summer. The only thing is that they can grow as tall as poppies; so will need to have twine or something tied on them to keep them upright and under control!


Fluropink x
Reply:If you want to put bedding plants in the shady areas, go for Busy Lizzies and Begonia semperflora (Red Devil has a lovely bronze leaf and brilliant red flowers).

Cinneraria Maritima - a silver leaf - is a summer bedding plant which lasts forever - the flowers aren't up to much but it provides a good foil for all the other colours, and it grows anywhere. I have to give mine a haircut with the shears in Spring to keep it looking tidy.

As already mentioned, marigolds are great, especially if you have a neglected corner which needs brightening. They self-seed so come up every year and I have a couple in flower with lovely brown button middles, at the moment. They look fabulous in a copper or brass flower vase.

Another shrub which you might consider, for almost all year round interest, is the silver Pieris; evergreen and interesting tiny flowers with flushes of red and it doesn't mind shade.

You don't say where you are-- because eastern england is drier than the west and so will need drier loving plants. Likewise if you are in town.

If you are in the north, the length of season and daylight will again affect your choice.

If you are on acid soil, this will also make you choose the plant differently so any general answer is really a waste of time. Is the area wet, damp or dry? Clay, loam or sand?

You could walk around the neighbour hood, the local parks and national trust / paying gardens -- all these will help point to some good choices.

You may even live in the u.s.a. when all the above wil affect you to a greater degree. So try asking the question again but say the county or place you live. Good luck.
Reply:i personally like asters, sweet peas, morning glories, zinnias and cosmos. all very pretty and give your garden an ethreal quality to it. looks really fancy too!
Reply:Chrysanthemums.They flower throughout summer and autumn.




Bee Balm

Perennial Phlox



Crepe myrtle

Reply:Why not plant several varieties of Penstemmons - they are perennial, flower all summer long and into the Autumn (I still have some flowering now!) and there are loads of colours to choose from. For your areas that get a bit bare later in the season sow some Nasturium (annual) seed direct into the border, or add some Senecio Cineraria (perennial) - a shrub with lovely felt-like grey leaves. Then there are Dianthus (perennial) which are always good value for later in the season. Try the RHS plant selector tool at where you can search for plants by colour, position, type, soil type, etc for some more ideas. Good luck :-)

running shoes

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