Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Where can i find a year round plants or flowers that i can plant on my garden?

I'm very new on the gardening stuff. I don't know much stuff about planting flowers, i need help!! Any websites or stores will be helpful..thank you so much!

Where can i find a year round plants or flowers that i can plant on my garden?
A great resource I take advantage of is the National Garden Association at www.garden.org A key factor in choosing plants is knowing what's happy growing in your area of the country. The NGA has a "regional gardening news" newsletter which is monthly, I think, and has great tips about what to plant when, when to fertilize and prune, etc.

Happy planting!
Reply:It all depends where you live. Year round is a big expectation if you live in Alaska but easy to answer if you live in the Southwest like Arizona or California. Weather is everything. Go to the nearest Home Depot or Lowe's hardware stores and go to the garden and home book section. Many many great books, most about 13.95 are specific to your area and are full of great ideas and help for the new gardener. Also a 5 minute discussion with a nurseryman from a 'serous' private nursery will save you unneeded expense and trouble. The big discount stores have employees they are not garden experts. Good Luck.
Reply:The first thing to do is check what zone you live in, try the first link. This will determine what plants will tolerate your climate. Then you need to determine how much light your flower bed will get. Less than 2 hour is usually considered full shade, 2-4 hours is part shade/sun, more than 4 hours is full sun.

All year growing? Unless you are in the southern US most plant don't grow year round. But there are tons of prennails that will come back year after year.

Here is a list of some pretty easy to grow perennial Sun to part shade flowers-

Lilies-all types: day lilies, Asiatic, and Oriential all have nice foliage and showy flowers.

Shasta Daisy


Butterfly Bush

Summer Phlox or Garden Phlox

Russain Sage

Tulips-have to have cold to flower

Daffodils-have to have cold to flower

Bearded Iris

Siberian Iris

Japanese Iris



Purple Cone Flower

Black-eyed Susan

Mexican Hat



For full shade-


Vince Major or Vinca Minor

Toad lily

Lily of the Valley

Bleeding hearts


Solomon's Seal

Ferns-Japanese %26amp; Ostrich Plume are both easy


Its pretty late in the season to plant from seed so your best bet is to buy plants. Don't buy from Wal-Mart!!! They don't take good care of their plants and it can be a real challenge to get them to grow. Go to a local nursery or greenhouse.

The second link is a good resource for flower gardeing.

Happy Gardening!

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