Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Edible flower gardens???

I was wondering what flowers are edible by humans. I was talking to a friend of mine about this the other day. I am thinking about starting an edible flower garden and I can't remember what flowers are edible.

So here are my questions

1. What flowers are edible?

2. What edible flowers will grow in South Louisiana?

3. Do I treat the edible flower garden like I would my vegetable garden, fruit garden, herb garden, trees, or regular flower beds?

4. What are the advantages to the edible flower gardens vs buying the flowers for eating?

Edible flower gardens???
You can grow just about anything in South LA (bon ton roulet, cher) semi tropical climate. Love the humidity.

Edible flowers:



squash blossoms




(brain takes a coffee break, tells hands to look it up)

Treat them like any other flowering plant.

Advantages? You get to enjoy the beauty and home grown costs way less?

Ah-ha: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=edible+...
Reply:Chives, lavender, nasturiums, day lily...

Borago officinalis

Easy to grow and blooms small beautiful purple star shaped flowers that look great sprinkled on salads

Here's a photo


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