Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I already have a flower bed in my yard and want to plant flowers. What do I do?

The flower bed is just filled up with dirt, weeds, and pebbles. First I need to clean it out I guess but do I use the dirt that's already in there or do put soil down? If you want to know, I live in Southern Arizona where it's always dry and hot and I want to plant perennial flowers. I'm new to gardening and want to know how prepare the flower bed, what type of soil I need (if necessary) and any tips on types of flowers to plant. Thanks alot!

I already have a flower bed in my yard and want to plant flowers. What do I do?
Yes clean the bed and decide on the look you are going for. You can actually get quite a lush look from native plants in your area. You are also Lucky enough to live where you can have great plants such as phormium and succulents galore.

Secondly if you want to use some things that would require more water, add an irrigation system and, a good soil mix (soil, compost, and organics). You can also just add this is pockets as well. Add textures with ornaments as well as different types of stone.

Grasses can provide movement and softness.

Evergreen can provide statue like presence as well as privacy, and formality.

Succulents can provide architectural elements.

xeric perennials can add color for years to come.

annual materials can add splashes of color that that transform the mood of the garden with each season.

Herbs, most require less water and fertilization, they also add refreshing scents and flavors to your space and cooking.

This site has a great plant list


hope this helps
Reply:Being a beginner in anything starts with learning .......below are some links to help guide you........the other way to find information in your area is check the gardens in your neighborhood and go to your local nursery or garden center....they will keep the types of flowers best suited for your area . Don't be afraid to ask questions.......people just love when they have the answer.

Good Luck !

Arizona Wild Flowers

Wildflower Pictures And Photos


Arid-Southwestern Gardening Information


Fall flower power

Tucson, Arizona | Published: 10.22.2006


You may be hesitant to replace summer bloomers such as periwinkle, zinnia, verbena and portulaca that are still flowering. But if you wait too late into October to replace them, there won't be enough time to get cool-season flowers up and growing vigorously before cold weather arrives in December.


Maricopa County Extension Service

Gardening in Arizona

Dedicated to the unique aspect of gardening in Arizona.


Arizona Daily Star

Reply:Have a look around your neighbourhood to see what others have done and grown and don't be afraid to ask questions for the name of plants that appeal to you.
Reply:you can also try hgtv.com. They have everything you need to plant a garden in your area. From preparing soil, what plants, %26amp; care tips.

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