Friday, February 3, 2012

Ever tried any of those seed rolls in your garden?

I would like to plant some flower in my garden, are those seed rolls a good idea. How long do they take to bloom. If i want flowers soon should i just buy spring bulbs?

Ever tried any of those seed rolls in your garden?
The seed rolls work great. All you have to do is keep them moist and in two weeks you'll see flowers start. They are not a permanent solution though, if you want tulips or lillies or orchides, you'll have to buy bulbs. The bulb plants will come back year after year unless the squirrels get to them. Plant Daffodils and that will cure the squirrel problem, and Daffies are beautiful.
Reply:I have also used seed rolls and they're fine for spots where you want some cheerful annuals. Spring bulbs may noy bloom this year because they like to over-winter. Mostly you would plant next fall and then they would come up next spring. So you might want to buy bulbs in pots if you want blooms this spring. The nursery will have potted them up weeks or months ago to bloom now.

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