Friday, February 3, 2012

How do I stop rogue cats pooing in my garden?

I only have a small garden and the flower beds seem to be littered with cat poo. (I don't have a cat!) How can I keep the cat(s) away?

How do I stop rogue cats pooing in my garden?
Spray lemon juice or leave citrus rinds around ur garden.
Reply:There is an increasing problem with rogue cats in urban areas. I have noticed several local cat gangs forming in our community. its not safe to go out at night round our way in case you get mugged by a group of adolescent cats

The thing is they are quite stealthy and are upon you before you know it. I know of one case recently where an elderly pensioner was forced into handing over all the cans of pilchards she had in her cupboard just to get rid of the cat hoard in her garden

She told local police that the cats had threatened to poo in her garden if she didn't comply. she is actually very brave as the cats have said they will keep coming back, and she is worried that the demands may move onto bigger things like cans of tuna, or even into the big league .. she cant afford smoked salmon on a pension

Someone should do something about this blight on society, where are all the dogs when you need them

Are you sure you havent done something to upset or intimidate the local cat gang.. think carefully and maybe try a diplomatic approach to the gang leader

Either that or put a big neon vet sign up in your back garden.. they hate vets, so they may well steer clear

If not put some English mustard on the ground and sit there and laugh at their faces as they try to lick it of their paws

Face up to them its the only way to show them who's boss
Reply:cut up an old garden hose and spread those 3 foot long pieces around in your garden. The cats will think the pieces of hose are snakes.
Reply:Spas12 ;)
Reply:Citrus will work. Simply cut up an orange or lemon and put it around your garden. It works every time! Good luck!
Reply:call animal control they will set up some live traps and trap the cats and take them back to the shelter where they can be put up for adoption.
Reply:The high-pitched deterrent things work. Otherwise I'm pretty sure there must be sprinklers that can detect movement *evil grin*
Reply:Move to a block of high rise flats.. problem solved!!
Reply:Borrow your friends dog for a week.
Reply:Dirt is a cat's natural litter box. The only thing I can suggest is put up a small fence around your garden.
Reply:a holly bush is said to be a deterrent, if you don't want to get a dog
Reply:get a cutout cat with beady eyes from the bettaware catalogue...
Reply:emma p has the best answer
Reply:Pour a good amount of amonia around the garden do it after each rain! It is cheap and works great!
Reply:Buy a dog ...or heard Pepper does the trick ! Xxx
Reply:Get a cat of your own; it works a treat
Reply:well if you are feeding these cats then thats the problem cats then to stay when they get fed, my aunt had a cat problem and she used to spray the cats with water and they soon got the idea. if you have some plants that you are afraid are in danger of getting ruined spray orange scented air freshner near them and the cats should stay clear of them, there are other cat repellents such as cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, lavender oil, lemon grass oil, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil and mustard oil. garden centres also sell products which repell cats, so check that out too, hope that helped.
Reply:next time you see them (pooing or not) turn the hose on them. It won't hurt them, but cats hate water. Chances are you won't see them again. But if any do show up, just hit them with the spary them again.

Works every time.
Reply:buy a rat trap and trap that cat...good luck..of course, get something in that trap like cat nip or something cats may like..then drop that cat off about 60 miles away...
Reply:Sadly, I'm afraid there is no answer.

There are all sorts of claimed remedies from special plants to Lion Poo and fancy chemicals.

We have the same problem and have yet to find a solution.

The thing is they come at night when you can't see them.

Apart from getting a dog or security guard there is no real cure.

Reply:Get a dog
Reply:orange peel in your boarders should do it, or lolly sticks pointing up. and also a water gun if you see one pooing, it wont hurt them but could deter them!
Reply:Orange peel - cats don't like the smell of citrus fruits
Reply:My dad used to dilute Jeys Fluid and spray ir round the garden perimeter. Kept cats and stray dogs out.
Reply:Get a dog
Reply:If you have a spiky bush in your garden, cut off some unnessessary branches, then lay then on your flowerbed, after a while they will learn not to go there
Reply:Get a dog. But then of course there will be dog poo in your flower beds, but the cats will stay away.
Reply:Buy a cat removal instrument (AKA a pellet gun)
Reply:buy an air rifle and shoot the little beggar's,problem solved lol.
Reply:Apparently if you put down clear bottles filled with water on your flower beds it keeps them away as they dont like to see their reflection. A more effective way is to put unused CD discs in between your flowers etc, the reflection should scare them %26amp; keep them away
Reply:some of my customers use these sonic, or high pitched sound emitters, cat deterrents, they seem to do the trick, or at least help out

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