Sunday, February 5, 2012

How do I stop squirrels & rabbits from devouring all the flowers in my garden?

this seems kinda nasty, but i know a lady who does this, and it seems to work. she takes the used cat litter from her basket, and lines the edges of her garden with it. the scent effectively marks that area as belonging to the cat, and the other animals wont want to go there.

How do I stop squirrels %26amp; rabbits from devouring all the flowers in my garden?
Provide food for the squirrels and rabbits, and get a cat.
Reply:Get an outdoor cat, or a dog. Or try a fence, you can buy them at Home Depot. Encircle the garden with them. You can make them removable as well. Cut a coke can top off, cut down the side 2" eight times around the edge of the can, then bend these parts over inside the can (to cover the sharp edges. Fill the cans with concrete, or Plaster of Paris and suspend the feet of the fence in the cans. Now your fences will stand up by themselves. You can bury the cans and then just pull them out when you want to work on the garden. If you cover the fence feet in plastic then you can make them removable and leave the cans buried.

Use a Rabbit and Squirrel repeller:

Rabbit Out at:

Shake-Away at:

According to: Golden Harvest Organics at:

Use red pepper, black pepper, cayenne, paprika etc. as a dust to repel rabbits.

According to: Gardening Tips by John Begeman at:

Use mothballs, coyote urine, human hair, marigolds to repel rabbits.,,s1-6...

Has a lot of suggestions to repel squirrels.

According to the state of Missouri:

Naphthalene (moth balls) can discourage squirrels. A house cat may further discourage squirrel activity. Thiram painted on some plant stems or bark reduces gnawing. Methyl nonyl ketone crystals are labeled for border treatments to protect vegetable gardens and for floor treatments to repel squirrels from attics. Polybutene tactile repellents are suggested to keep squirrels away from building exteriors.

Shrubs and garden bulbs can be protected by spraying with a commercial repellent, nicotine sulfate (insecticide), or homemade preparations of one teaspoon of Lysol or three ounces of Epsom salts added to one gallon of water. These sprays must be repeated frequently as new growth and rains reduce their effectiveness.

To discourage squirrels from gnawing cedar shingles, a repellent can be made by combining one pound of copper naphthenate with 2 1/2 quarts of either mineral spirits, linseed oil or shingle stain. If color is unimportant, two pounds of copper carbonate and three pounds of asphalt emulsion create a good repellent.

The idea is to find something that scares them away, makes the plants taste bad, or burns their feet. A scacerfice like corn cobs, letticue or bird seed could distract them.
Reply:theres a special fertilizer that is sold at OSH! it works really well too.
Reply:Sprinkle Cayonne pepper in the garden and on the flowers. It works for me....they smell it and they do not touch the flowers. The fiesty ones, well, they need to run for water!
Reply:Go to the local barber or beauty shop and ask them to save the cut hair for you. Put it around the perimeter of your garden. Animals will smell the human scent and stay away. A good flower to plant is marigolds. Rabbits hate the smell of them
Reply:besides using marigolds for your border....

put dog or cat hair (you can ask a local groomer or vet for some if you don't have your own) in some old panty hose and hang those around the border of your garden
Reply:go to your local feed %26amp; seed store and ask for a spray that will make your plants taste "icky" to the critters. Sometimes you can make a spray yourself , using a solution of half water / half dish soap and some cayenne pepper in it; but you'll have to reapply it after a rain.
Reply:We used to stop ground hogs and etc by going to a barber or beauty shop and getting a sack of human hair and putting in the holes or around the garden. Worked for us.
Reply:Either purchase some natural plants that rabbits dislike such as wormwood or

the next time you unwrap some beef product sprinkle the blood around the perimeter... also

chicken -wire fencing does wonders,

make sure you bury the bottom....

  • lips
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