Sunday, February 5, 2012

What colorful flowers do you recommend in my new garden!!?

I have recently pick up gardening and love flowers, I have hibiscus, sun seekers, pink roses, dragon snap, marigolds, and an orchid plant. Please give me more ideas!

What colorful flowers do you recommend in my new garden!!?
I am going to guess at your "growing zone" but flowers such as Zinneas, Petunias, Pansys will add lots of color and bloom throughout the summer. I would also check for Lillies, Tulips, Irises.....they only bloom for a short period of time but add Beauty and height, then I would delve into aromatic flowers / plants such as Jasmine. Whenever I designed a garden for customers I took into consideration eye appeal, color, scents, when plants/flowers bloomed and the wishes of the customer. Then you must consider annuals versus perennials, insects you may wish to attract or deter, some love to watch butterflies, bees etc while others have no interest. I suggest sitting down and making a list, Must Have, Would like to have, and Can live without......check out a local Nursery, spend an hour or two browsing, talking to the workers, find out about the plants you find appealing i.e. watering, fertilizing, maintenance, etc. Anyone can plant a garden, but being a successful gardener takes dedication and hard work......however the rewards are worth it.
Reply:Scarlet Climers
Reply:I first tried planting rose bushes 7 years ago and now I'm hooked. Try your hand with different varieties by starting with one that is very hardy for your zone. I'm working on a rose garden and I'm up to 6 bushes now - I find tending them quite enjoyable! And there are so many variations...
Reply:Look into Daylilies. There are re-bloomers %26amp; colorful "everbloomers" ... that bloom all summer %26amp; in the fall season too. .. Stella D' Oro, Happy Returns, Pardon Me, %26amp; Rosy Returns,the first PINK everblooming Daylily.

Right now you can plant potted plants that are blooming like Bee Balm, Butterfly Bush (buddleia ), Coreopsis, Delphinum, Verbena, Echinacea (Coneflower), Blue sage, Salvia, Dianthus , Maltese Cross, Honesty (Lunaria), Geraniums, Lavender, Daylilies, Gaillardia, Black-Eyed Susan, Shasta daisy, Russian Sage %26amp; Veronica (Speedwell) %26amp; Hydranga.

The Knockout roses should do well throughout the summer %26amp; until frost too( if your area has frost). There's three diffferent varieties of Knockout roses %26amp; at least 3 varieties of Echinacea too ;)

Feast your eyes on these perennials:

Good luck! The flower centers, Home Depot %26amp; Lowe's are starting to offer deep discounts now. I just bought a potted Lavender at 1/2 price.

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