Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why do people put chimneys full of flowers in their garden? And cartwheels,what's all that about?

Its called "age", like you are not allowed to own a shed until you are 30. I am over 30 and have bought a shed, I am actively looking for some wagon wheels and I have a chiminea. 5 years ago I would have laughed, but as I get older I appreciate the beauty of nature a bit more than the beauty of money.

I would see if you are still asking this question in 10 years time.

Enjoy life whilst you can, then at least you can get in to gardening when you an old git like me! :)

Why do people put chimneys full of flowers in their garden? And cartwheels,what's all that about?
No idea... we have seen ppl who have had an old toliet in the garden with flowers in now that is just plain CRAZY
Reply:Because in there opinion it is pretty.. something they like.. I have seen bathtubs in yards full of flowers.. it is someones idea of beauty..
Reply:Maybe they just like the way it looks
Reply:Chimney pots and cartwheels remind people of days gone by, and give gardens a timeless quality.

In a few years' time. we'll grow flowers in old CRT monitors and arrange analogue televisions around our gardens.
Reply:they are trying to be original... and failing
Reply:People put chimneys, cartwheels, etc. in their garden for an interesting, artistic effect. Its as simple as that.
Reply:people seem to want to plant flowers anywhere lately

maybe they're all allergic to plant pots?!
Reply:Its called decorative
Reply:Novelty value
Reply:its usually all about bad taste m8

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