Thursday, January 26, 2012

Seniors: Do you like to grow things? Did you have a veggie or flower garden this summer?

I like to pot garden. I grew a sunflower, just to see if I could in a pot. It was beautiful. I hope the birds enjoyed it.
Seniors: Do you like to grow things? Did you have a veggie or flower garden this summer?
I have a small vegetable garden...that is comparatively small. When my Mom was still alive we used to put in a vegetable garden that was 24 ft by 60 ft. Now I have one that is only 20 ft by 30 ft, and I moved the whole thing so that I could put grass directly behind the house where the old vegetable garden was. Now it hides in a back corner of my property behind the garden shed.

And seeing that I live up here in Canada, I am STILL waiting for my tomatoes to ripen. I hope they do before the frost kills them! I have pole beans, and zucchini, and peppers and cucumbers. I tried growing long cucumbers but they didn't thrive at all. And the radishes, swiss chard and carrots were a complete bust this year.

Besides that I have blackberries and raspberries. Black and red currants. Saskatoon berries and grapes. And just behind my property line, and hanging over my back fence is a huge mulberry tree. (It is definitely a tree-not a bush-it must be about 40 ft tall.)

And I have flower gardens left over from my mother...a 6 ft round one that lies to the east of the shed, that also surrounds the base of a small ash tree. A larger B shaped one that lies to the west of the shed where each of the loops is 6 ft across, the lower part of the B surrounding a big 50 foot ash tree. A 30 ft by 12 foot flower and herb garden in front of my back fence. A line of phlox and lilies that run down the west fence line from that herb garden to the house. A 3 ft by 40 ft strip of garden along the side of the driveway on the east side of the property line. And then the front gardens...a meandering line of flower garden about 4 ft wide across the front of the house, and then a 90 degree turn to run along the west fence line maybe 40 ft in length in all.

It's a huge yard for being in one of North America's largest cities. And it takes a lot of care to maintain it even minimally. (I have stopped planting annuals at all-except for the vegetables.)
Reply:Yes, I have 8 foot tomato plants that are very productive. I grow my plants in five gallon containers, that way they become root bound and produce alot. I also grow the small grape tomatoes, pick those by the bowl and eat them like candy. I grow jalapenos. cucumbers, watermelons and mustard greens in the winter. I love to grow, so if it has a seed, I plant it.
Reply:One of the seniors planted one thing in a little garden in front of our building and now-it looks like Field of Dreams. We have corn and beans and tomatoes and some things we're not too sure of. Everyone passing by stops to admire it. Or maybe they're thinking the old people have finally gone round the bend. We dont care. Darn corn didnt get here in time for the 4th.
Reply:Oh, great question. I like to decorate my front stoop with colorful hanging baskets. I plant flowers in big colorful pots on my deck %26amp; they add so much. I also plant colorful flowers around my lamp post in the front yard. I planted a variety of flowers but the pink Verbena has really spread %26amp; looks great. The butterflies seem to love it. I haven't planted any veggies but will try my hand at it next year. I did plant two Crepe Myrtle trees in my front yard this summer %26amp; they are already in blossom. One is white %26amp; one is pink. They are so beautiful. :)
Reply:Flowers, my yard was gorgeous March-July I love it. Everything is green now but still lovely, My garden gives me a reason to get up and get busy along with sweetie(dog). Its been very hot so had to water frequently.
Reply:seniors are a waste of tax payer moneyss
Reply:I can't grow a garden here. The critters consider it their own personal salad bowl. I tried using cayenne pepper as a deterrent and it works for awhile, but they've developed a taste for the spicey now and just munch anything I put out. I'm in an area that would require putting in a completely enclosed wire structure [including beneath the beds]. It's just too much trouble and expense.

What I do utilize are the edible wild plants that I've made a study of for many years. Dandelions, chickweed, burdock, raspberries, black raspberries , violets, wild onions... there's quite a list. We share these, the creatures and I. It's an equitable system.
Nanny Source

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