Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What is a natural way to get rid of ants in my flower and vegetables garden?

An ant eater.
What is a natural way to get rid of ants in my flower and vegetables garden?
I use a dried pepper hot measure and "salt" it into the soil..something extremely hot.
Reply:If the ants isn't bothering your flowers I'd leave them alone in fact they are after other pests. I have several Gardenais and I've seen ants on them I just leave them alone. However if they are eating your flowers and garden I'd get rid of them.
Reply:try used coffee ground - but adds acid to soil. you can also pinch them all one by one. thats what i do. but i usually end up with a million bites... sometimes i bite them back!
Reply:Here are some simple soutions:

Hot water

Chalk they hate chalk (white chalk)

Make your own naturel eco friendly spray by mixing lemon and vinegar together.

Hot suger and syrup

make an ants nest somewhere else maybe on an old wall of something
Reply:boric acid...comes in powder non toxic...kills ants...and other critters!
Reply:Corn meal, buy at the organic nursery store.

Here is a list of deterrents:


Lemon Dishwashing Detergent

Boiling Water

Equal Parts Borax Detergent and Sugar (mix with water or use dry)

Ant Traps

1/3 C Molasses or Honey

6 T Sugar

6 T active Dry Yeast

Mix together. Outside put the paste in a container near the colony. Inside put the mixture on a piece of cardboard in the areas ants come into the house.

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